Basic sign order

1. Introduction
2. Some principles regarding sentence order
         a) Basic order
         b) Time and space information
         c) The theme
         d) Adjectives
3. Simultaneity





All these principles can be modified by the possibility, in sign language, of producing different manual signs simultaneously, each using a different hand. This is one of the manifestations of simultaneity, which also appears in other aspects of sign language. In such simultaneity, the non-dominant hand (passive) informs about the theme and the dominant hand relays the new information. This happens both in lexical signs and using classifiers, or with a combination of the two.

    "The car coming from the right went straight into the one stopped at the lights."
    "When the water starts boiling you add the salt."
    "I can read and walk at the same time."
    "I was stopped inside the car. Another car stopped next to me and I looked at it."