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Activitats i publicacions del grup de recerca Anàlisi real

Harmonic polynomial approximations on a compact subset of R² ( 6/3/1991) - Petr Vladimirovich Paramonov



On the harmonic approximation in the C¹-norm ( 18/3/1991) - Petr Vladimirovich Paramonov



Tangent stars and extensions of smooth functions, I ( 10/4/1991) - Anthony G. O´Farrell



Tangent stars and extensions of smooth functions, II ( 17/4/1991) - Anthony G. O´Farrell



Weighted polynomial approximation and quasianalyticity for general sets, I ( 29/5/1991) - James Edward Brennan



Weighted polynomial approximation and quasianalyticity for general sets, II ( 31/5/1991) - James Edward Brennan