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Akira Kono (Japó)
Participacions a Congressos
1986 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology (BCAT86)
Barcelona (2/4/1986- 8/4/1986)
2a edició Representants de 10 països
CRM. `Proceedings of the 1986 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology´. In: *Lecture Notes in Mathematics*, 1298. Springer Verlag (1987)
1990 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology (BCAT90)
Sant Feliu de Guíxols (6/6/1990- 12/6/1990)
3a edició Representants de 16 països
CRM. `Proceedings of the 1990 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology´. In: *Lecture Notes in Mathematics*, 1509. Springer Verlag (1991)
Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)
Investigador visitant - Kyoto Univ. - Topologia algebraica [1/12/1985 - 10/4/1986]
A note on the cohology of fibre spaces I (10/1/1986)
Investigador visitant - Kyoto Univ. - Topologia algebraica [1/12/1985 - 10/4/1986]
The mod 2 cohomology ring of quotients of compact Lie groups by maximal tori (2/4/1986)
Dins la 1986 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, 2 a 8 abril 1986. No en consta la data exacta
Investigador visitant - Kyoto Univ. - Topologia algebraica [3/11/1988 - 10/11/1988]
On stable homotopy type of certain mod p H-spaces of rank 2 (7/11/1988)
Investigador visitant - Kyoto Univ. - Topologia algebraica [6/4/1990 - 16/6/1990]
The homology of the Kac-Moody groups (17/4/1990)
Investigador visitant - Kyoto Univ. - Topologia algebraica [6/4/1990 - 16/6/1990]
BP-cohomology of the classifying spacces of compact Lie groups (20/4/1990)
Investigador visitant - Kyoto Univ. - Topologia algebraica [6/4/1990 - 16/6/1990]
Homology of the Kac-Moody groups (6/6/1990)
Dins la 3rd Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 6 a 12 juny 1990. No en consta la data exacta
Investigador visitant - Kyoto Univ. - Topologia algebraica [4/11/1991 - 27/1/1992]
Homotopy type of certain gauge groups (13/12/1991)
Investigador visitant - Kyoto Univ. - Topologia algebraica [4/11/1991 - 27/1/1992]
On the adjoint action of a compact Lie group on its loop space (18/12/1991)
Investigador visitant - Kyoto Univ. - Topologia algebraica [16/12/2003 - 12/1/2004]
On unstable K-theory (16/12/2003)
Dins el Seminari de Topologia organitzat per la Univ. Autònoma Barcelona i la Univ. Barcelona. No en consta la data exacta