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Zdzislaw Dzedzej (Polònia)
On Nielsen and Reidemeister relations for set-valued symmetric product maps, 1989
DZEDZEJ, Z. *On Nielsen and Reidemeister relations for set-valued symmetric product maps*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 76 (1989)
Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)
Investigador visitant - Univ. Gdanski - Topologia [13/1/1989 - 13/3/1989]
A fixed point index for various classes of multivalued maps (20/1/1989)
Investigador visitant - Univ. Gdanski - Topologia [13/1/1989 - 13/3/1989]
On fixed point theory of set-valued maps (3/3/1989)