Conferències i seminaris | Congressos | Grups de recerca | Publicacions | Persones Persones
Georg Peschke (Alemanya)
Localization and genus in group theory and homotopy theory, 1995
PESCHKE, G. *Localization and genus in group theory and homotopy theory*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 279 (1995)
Localizing with respect to self maps of the circle, 1991
CASACUBERTA, C. & PESCHKE, G. *Localizing with respect to self maps of the circle*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 121 (1991)
On orthogonal pairs in Categories and Localisation, 1990
CASACUBERTA, C.; PESCHKE, g. & PFENNIGER, M. *On orthogonal pairs in Categories and Localisation*. Preprint (1990)
Sur la localisation dans les catégories avec une application à la théorie de l´homotopie, 1990
CASACUBERTA, C.; PESCHKE, g. & PFENNIGER, M. `Sur la localisation dans les catégories avec une application à la théorie de l'homotopie´. *C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris*; 310 (1990), 207-210
Participacions a Congressos
1994 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology (BCAT94)
Sant Feliu de Guíxols (1/6/1994- 7/6/1994)
4a edició
BROTO, C.; CASACUBERTA, C.; MISLIN, G. (Eds.) *Algebraic Topology: New Trends in Localization and Periodicity*. Progress in Mathematics; Birkhäuser Verlag (1995)
Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)
Investigador visitant - Univ. Calgari - Topologia [1/5/1989 - 31/7/1989]
A structural result concerning non-connected H-groups (9/6/1989)
Investigador visitant - Univ. Calgari - Topologia [1/5/1989 - 31/7/1989]
The role of homotopy in connection with bifurcation phenomena, I (22/6/1989)
Investigador visitant - Univ. Calgari - Topologia [1/5/1989 - 31/7/1989]
The role of homotopy in connection with bifurcation phenomena, II (14/7/1989)
Investigador visitant - Univ. Alberta, Edmonton - Topologia algebraica [22/5/1990 - 17/7/1990]
Equivariant homotopy egroups of spheres (1/6/1990)
Investigador visitant - Univ. Alberta, Edmonton - Topologia algebraica [20/4/1994 - 15/7/1994]
Local global principles and genus in group theory and homotopy theory (1/6/1994)
Dins la 4th Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, 1 a 7 juny 1994. No en consta la data exacta
Investigador visitant - Univ. Alberta, Edmonton - Topologia algebraica [20/4/1994 - 15/7/1994]
Immersions (8/7/1994)