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Edward Alfred Belbruno (Alemanya)


The dynamical mechanism of ballistic lunar capture transfers in the four-body problem from the perspective of invariant manifolds and Hillīs regions, 1994

BELBRUNO, E. *The dynamical mechanism of ballistic lunar capture transfers in the four-body problem from the perspective of invariant manifolds and Hillīs regions*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 270 (1994)

Participacions a Congressos

Workshop on Dynamical Systems

CRM, Bellaterra (3/10/1994- 7/10/1994)

Organitzat conjuntament amb la Univ. Barcelona

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Investigador visitant - Univ. Minnesota - Sistemes dināmics [29/9/1994 - 10/11/1994]

A newly demonstrated low energy route to the moon using weak stability boundaries (3/10/1994)

Dins el Workshop on Dynamical Systems, 3 a 7 octubre 1994. No en consta la data exacta

Investigador visitant - Univ. Minnesota - Sistemes dināmics [29/9/1994 - 10/11/1994]

The dynamical mechanism of ballistic lunar capture in the four-body problem from the perspective of invariant manifolds (7/11/1994)