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Valerii V. Buldygin (Ucraïna)


An symptotic behaviour of crosscorrelogram estimates of the response function, 1998

BULDYGIN, V.V. & ZAIATS, V. *An symptotic behaviour of crosscorrelogram estimates of the response function*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 392 (1998)

Asymptotic normality of an estimate of the correlation function in different functional spaces, 1992

BULDYGIN, V.V. & ZAIATS, V. *Asymptotic normality of an estimate of the correlation function in different functional spaces*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 180 (1992)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

(desconegut -data aproximada) - National Technical Univ. Ukraine - [1/1/2000 - ]

On exponential integrability of the convex functionals of the Gaussian vectors (1/3/2000)

No en consta la data exacta