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André Leroy (França)


Prime ideals of Öre extensions, 1991

LEROY, A. & MATCZUK, J. `Prime ideals of Öre extensions´. *Communications in Algebra*, vol.19, 7, s.p. (1991)

Prime ideals of Öre extensions, 1989

LEROY, A. & MATCZUK, J. *Prime ideals of Öre extensions*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 93 (1989)

The extended centroid and X-inner automorphisms of Ore extensions, 1989

LEROY, A. & MATCZUK, J. *The extended centroid and X-inner automorphisms of Ore extensions*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 86 (1989)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Investigador visitant - Univ. Sciences et Technologie, Lille 1 - Teoria d'anells [29/10/1989 - 9/11/1989]

Invariant and semi-invariant polynomials in Ore extensions (7/11/1989)