Conferències i seminaris | Congressos | Grups de recerca | Publicacions | Persones Persones
Luis Victor Dieulefait (Argentina)
A functional equation related to the product in a quadratic number field, 2010
BERRONE, L.R. & DEIULEFAIT, L. *A functional equation related to the product in a quadratic number field*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 954 (2010)
Modularity of rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds over Q, 2003
DIEULEFAIT, L. & MANOHARMAYUM, J. *Modularity of rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds over Q*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 532 (2003)
Modularity of the Consani-Scholten quintic, 2010
DIEULEFAIT, L.; PACETTI, A.; SCHÜTT, M. & BIRGOS, J. *Modularity of the Consani-Scholten quintic*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 952 (2010)
Uniform behavior of families of Galois representations on Siegel modular forms, 2003
DIEULEFAIT, L.V. *Uniform behavior of families of Galois representations on Siegel modular forms*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 536 (2003)
Participacions a Congressos
Thematic Day on the Geometric Langlands Correspondence III
CRM, Bellaterra (14/1/2010- 14/1/2010)
Coordinat pels Profs. L. Álvarez-Cónsul (ICMAT-CSIC), J. I. Burgos (ICMAT-CSIC), Ó. Garcia-Prada (ICMAT-CSIC) i I. Mundet (Univ. Barcelona)
Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)
Ponent de congrés - Univ. Barcelona - [18/7/2001 - 28/7/2001]
Explicit description of the local Langlands correspondent for GL2 and p not 2 (18/7/2001)
Al CRM Advanced Course on Modular Forms and p-adic Hodge Theory, 18 a 28 juliol 2001. No en consta la data exacta
Ponent de congrés - ? - [15/7/2002 - 18/7/2002]
Irreducibility of symplectic four dimensional Galois representations (15/7/2002)
Dins la 2002 Conference on Modular Curves and Abelian Varieties (MCAV), 15 a 18 juliol 2002. No en consta la data exacta
Becari postdoctoral - Univ. Paris XIII Nord - Teoria de nombres [1/3/2003 - 31/12/2003]
Galois actions on arithmetic varieties and modular forms (1/3/2003)
No en consta la data exacta
Programa de becaris postdoctorals del Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Deporte (MECyD)