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Kenshi Ishiguro (Japó)


Classifying spaces of compact simple Lie groups and p-tori, 1990

ISHIGURO, K. *Classifying spaces of compact simple Lie groups and p-tori*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 113 (1990)

Classifying spaces of compact simple Lie groups and p-tori, 1991

ISHIGURO, K. `Classifying spaces of compact simple Lie groups and p-tori´ in: *Lecture Notes in Mathematics*, 1509. Springer Verlag (1990)

Participacions a Congressos

1990 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology (BCAT90)

Sant Feliu de Guíxols (6/6/1990- 12/6/1990)

3a edició Representants de 16 països

CRM. `Proceedings of the 1990 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology´. In: *Lecture Notes in Mathematics*, 1509. Springer Verlag (1991)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Investigador visitant - Univ. Minnesota - Topologia algebraica [18/5/1990 - 17/7/1990]

Rigidity of p-completed classifying spaces (22/5/1990)

Investigador visitant - Univ. Minnesota - Topologia algebraica [18/5/1990 - 17/7/1990]

Maps which are trivial in mod p cohomology (25/5/1990)

Investigador visitant - Univ. Minnesota - Topologia algebraica [18/5/1990 - 17/7/1990]

Classifying spaces of compact simple Lie groups and p-tori (6/6/1990)

Dins la 3rd Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 6 a 12 juny 1990. No en consta la data exacta

Investigador visitant - Georg-August Univ. Göttingen - Topologia algebraica [23/4/1992 - 10/5/1992]

Fibrations of classifying spaces and applications (24/4/1992)

Investigador visitant - Georg-August Univ. Göttingen - Topologia algebraica [23/4/1992 - 10/5/1992]

On the genus BS³ × ··· × BS³ (8/5/1992)