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Rafael Herrera (Mèxic)


Complex contact manifolds and S¹ actions, 2009

HERRERA, H. & HERRERA, R. *Complex contact manifolds and S¹ actions*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 896 (2009)

Parallel spinors on pseudo-riemannian spinˆq manifolds, 2009

HERRERA, R. *Parallel spinors on pseudo-riemannian spinˆq manifolds*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 880 (2009)

Positive quaternion-Khäler 16-manifolds with b2=0, 2004

HERRERA, R. *Positive quaternion-Khäler 16-manifolds with b2=0*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 595 (2004)

The signature and the elliptic genus of even 4-manifolds with S1-actions, 2004

HERRERA, H. & HERRERA, R. *The signature and the elliptic genus of even 4-manifolds with S1-actions*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 592 (2004)