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Katherine Ann St. John (Estats Units)


Approximating subtree distances between phylogenies, 2006

BONET, M.L.; St. JOHN, K.; MAHINDRU, R. & AMENTA, N. *Approximating subtree distances between phylogenies*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 669 (2006)

Data size sufficiency analyses of Haplotype inference algortihms, 2007

CLEARY, S. & St. JOHN, K. *Data size sufficiency analyses of Haplotype inference algortihms*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 757 (2007)

The complexity of random ordered structures, 2005

St. JOHN, K. & SPENCER, J.H. *The complexity of random ordered structures*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 630 (2005)