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Étienne Pardoux (França)


A stochastic Feynman-Kac formula for anticipating SPDE´s, and aplication to nonlinear smoothing, 1992

OCONE, D. & PARDOUX, E. *A stochastic Feynman-Kac formula for anticipating SPDE´s, and aplication to nonlinear smoothing*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 168 (1992)

Lˆp-solutions to BSDEs with super-linear growth coefficient. Application to degenerate semilinear PDEs, 2006

BAHLALI, K.; ESSAKY, E.H.; HASSANI, M. & PARDOUX, E. *Lˆp-solutions to BSDEs with super-linear growth coefficient. Application to degenerate semilinear PDEs*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 682 (2006)

Markov field properties of solutions of white noise driven quai-linear parabolic PDEs, 1992

NUALART, D. & PARDOUX, E. *Markov field properties of solutions of white noise driven quai-linear parabolic PDEs*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 150 (1992)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Investigador visitant - Univ. Provence, Marseille - Anàlisi estocàstica [16/9/1991 - 2/11/1991]

Generalized Feynman-kac formulas for p.d.e.´s and s.p.d.e.´s (19/9/1991)

Investigador visitant - Univ. Provence, Marseille - Anàlisi estocàstica [16/9/1991 - 2/11/1991]

Reflected solutions of s.p.d.e.´s (31/10/1991)