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Álvaro Corral 


Huracanes, intensidad impredecible, 2010

CORRAL, A. `Huracanes, intensidad impredecible´. *Epoca*; 15/8/2010, p. 58

Hurricanes as Weatherquakes and their Response to Climate Change, 2011

CORRAL, A. `Hurricanes as Weatherquakes and their Response to Climate Change´. *Notices of the American Mathematical Society*; 58 (6), 767 (2011)

Hurricanes as weatherquakes and their response to climate change, 2011

CORRAL, A. *Hurricanes as weatherquakes and their response to climate change*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1070 (2011)

Non-characteristic Half-lives in Radioactive Decay, 2011

CORRAL, A.; FONT, F. & CAMACHO, J. `Non-characteristic Half-lives in Radioactive Decay´. *Phys. Rev.*; E 83, 066103 (2011)

Non-characteristic half-lives in radioactive decay, 2011

CORRAL, A.; FONT, F. & CAMACHO, J. *Non-characteristic half-lives in radioactive decay*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1023 (2011)

Non-characteristic Half-lives in Radioactive Decay, 2010

CORRAL, A.; FONT, F. & CAMACHO, J. `Non-characteristic Half-lives in Radioactive Decay´. Submitted to *New Journal of Physics* (2010)

Point-occurrence self-similarity in crackling-noise systems and in other complex systems, 2008

CORRAL, A. *Point-occurrence self-similarity in crackling-noise systems and in other complex systems*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 834 (2008)

Point-occurrence self-similarity in crackling-noise systems and in other complex systems, 2009

CORRAL, A. `Point-occurrence self-similarity in crackling-noise systems and in other complex systems´. *J. Stat. Mech.*; P01022 (2009)

Power Laws and Scaling of Rain Events and Dry Spells in the Catalonia Region, 2010

DELUCA, A. & CORRAL, A. *Power Laws and Scaling of Rain Events and Dry Spells in the Catalonia Region*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 971 (2010)

Power-Law Distribution in Encoded MFCC Frames of Speech, Music, and Environmental Sound Signals, 2011

HARO, M.; SERRÀ, J.; CORRAL, A. & HERRERA, P. `Power-Law Distribution in Encoded MFCC Frames of Speech, Music, and Environmental Sound Signals´. Submitted (2011)

Scaling and correlations in the dynamics of forest-fire occurrence, 2008

CORRAL, A.; TELESCA, L. & LASAPONARA, R. `Scaling and correlations in the dynamics of forest-fire occurrence´. *Phys. Rev.*; E 77, 016101 (2008)

Scaling of Tropical-Cyclone Dissipatio, 2010

CORRAL, A. OSSO & LLEBOT, J.E. `Scaling of Tropical-Cyclone Dissipatio'. *Nature Phys.*; 6, 693–696 (2010)

Scaling of tropical-cyclone dissipation, 2011

CORRAL, A.; OSSÓ, A. & LLEBOT, J.E. *Scaling of tropical-cyclone dissipation*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1012 (2011)

Statistical tests for scaling in the inter-event times of earthquakes in California, 2011

CORRAL, A. *Statistical tests for scaling in the inter-event times of earthquakes in California*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1074 (2011)

Statistical tests for scaling in the inter-event times of earthquakes in California, 2009

CORRAL, A. `Statistical tests for scaling in the inter-event times of earthquakes in California´. *Int. J. Mod. Phys.* B 23, 5570–5582 (2009)

Supplementary information scaling of tropical-cyclone dissipation, 2011

CORRAL, A.; OSSÓ, A. & LLEBOT, J.E. *Supplementary information scaling of tropical-cyclone dissipation*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1073 (2011)

The simple law of hurricanes decrees a stormy future, 2010

CORRAL, A. `The simple law of hurricanes decrees a stormy future´. *New Scientist*; 17/7/2010, p. 14

Tropical Cyclones as a Critical Phenomenon, 2010

CORRAL, A.`Tropical Cyclones as a Critical Phenomenon'. In: ELSNER, J.B.; HODGES, R.E.; MALMSTADT, J.C. & SCHEITLIN, K.N. *Hurricanes and Climate Change: Volume 2*; Springer, Heidelberg, Series: Aegean Conferences, Pages: 81–99 (2010)

Tropical cyclones as a critical phenomenon, 2011

CORRAL, A. *Tropical cyclones as a critical phenomenon*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1071 (2011)

Universal complex structures in written language, 2011

CORRAL, A.; FERRER-I-CACHO, R.; DÍAZ-GUILERA, A. & BOLEDA, G. *Universal complex structures in written language*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1075 (2011)

Universality of rain event size distributions, 2010

PETERS, O.; DELUCA, A.; CORRAL, A.; NEELIN, J.D. & HOLLOWAY, C.E. *Universality of rain event size distributions*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 972 (2010)

Universality of rain event size distributions, 2010

PETERS, O.; DELUCA, A.; CORRAL, A.; NEELIN, D. & HOLLOWAY, C.E. `Universality of rain event size distributions´. *J. Stat. Mech.*; P11030 (2010)

Variability of North Atlantic hurricanes: seasonal versus individual-event features, 2011

CORRAL, A. & TURIEL, A. *Variability of North Atlantic hurricanes: seasonal versus individual-event features*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1072 (2011)

Variability of North Atlantic hurricanes: seasonal versus individual-event features, 2011

CORRAL, A. & TURIEL, A. `Variability of North Atlantic hurricanes: seasonal versus individual-event features´. Submitted (2011)

Zipf’s Law in Short-time Timbral Codings of Speech, Music, and Environmental Sound Signals, 2011

HARO, M.; SERRÀ, J.; HERRERA, P. & CORRAL, A. `Zipf’s Law in Short-time Timbral Codings of Speech, Music, and Environmental Sound Signals´. Submitted (2011)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Earthquakes in the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface? (1/1/2010)

Al Workshop on Fluctuations in Materials Properties: Physics, Geoscience and Environment, Courmayeur, Aosta -Itàlia-, gener 2010. No en consta la data exacta

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Power Laws and Scaling Laws in Natural Hazards and Text Statistics (11/11/2010)

Al Grup d’Estadistica, Departament de Matematiques de la Univ. Autònoma Barcelona

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Power Law and Scaling in the Energy of Tropical Cyclones (1/12/2010)

Al American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco -EEUU-, desembre 2010. No en consta la data exacta. Conjuntament amb A. Osso i J.E. Llebot

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Universality of Rain Event Size Distributions (1/4/2011)

A la European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Viena, Àustria, abril 2011. No en consta la data exacta. Conjuntament amb A. Deluca, O. Peters, J.D. Neelin i C.E. Holloway

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Power Law and Scaling in the Energy of Tropical Cyclones (1/4/2011)

A la European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Viena -Àustria-, abril 2011. No en consta la data exacta. Conjuntament amb J. E. Llebot i A. Ossó

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Survival and Energy Dissipated by Tropical Cyclones (1/6/2011)

Al Fourth International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Barcelona, juny 2011. No en consta la data exacta. Conjuntament amb A. Ossó i J.E. Llebot

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Leyes de potencia y leyes de escala en la distribución de energía de los huracanes (1/6/2011)

Al XVII Congreso de Física Estadística, FisEs 2011, Barcelona, juny 2011. No en consta la data exacta. Conjuntament amb A. Ossó i J.E. Llebot

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Complex Statistical Features of Earthquakes and Other Natural Hazards (1/6/2011)

Al Math & Earth, Zaragoza, juny 2011. No en consta la data exacta

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Universality of Rain Event Size Distributions (2/6/2011)

Al XVII Congreso de Física Estadística, FisEs 2011, Barcelona, 2 a 4 juny 2011. No en consta la data exacta. Conjuntament amb A. Deluca, O. Peters, J.D. Neelin i C.E. Holloway

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Energy Dissipation of Hurricanes: Influence of Ocean Warming and Criticality (1/7/2011)

A l'Institut Català de Ciències del Clima, Barcelona, 2011. No en consta la data exacta

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Universality of rain event size distributions (5/9/2011)

A la International Summer School and Research Workshop on Complexity, Istanbul -Turquia-, 5 a 9 setembre 2011. No en consta la data exacta. Conjuntament amb A. Deluca, O. Peters, J.D. Neelin i C.E. Holloway

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Convección atmosférica: criticidad o caos? (1/10/2011)

Al Complejidad y nolinealidad en geociencia, Barcelona, octubre 2011. No en consta la data exacta

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Criticality and Self-organization in Atmospheric Processes (1/12/2011)

Al American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Califòrnia -Estats Units-, desembre 2011. No en consta la data exacta

Investigador consolidat, cap de línia de recerca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica - GR Sistemes complexos [1/1/2010 - 31/12/2011]

Analysis of the Predictability of Local Rain Records from Different Climates (5/12/2011)

Al American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Califòrnia -Estats Units-, 5 a 9 desembre 2011. No en consta la data exacta. Conjuntament amb A. Deluca i N. Moloney