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Lê Tuân Hoa (Vietnam)


Bounds for the Betti numbers of generalized Cohen-Macaulay ideals, 1993

HOA, L.T. & MIRÓ-ROIG, R.M. *Bounds for the Betti numbers of generalized Cohen-Macaulay ideals*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 217 (1993)

Bounds for the number of generators of generalized Cohen-Macaulay ideals, 1993

HOA, L.T. *Bounds for the number of generators of generalized Cohen-Macaulay ideals*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 213 (1993)

Bounds on Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for generalized Cohen-Macaulay graded rings, 1993

HOA, L.T. & MIYAZAKI, C. *Bounds on Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for generalized Cohen-Macaulay graded rings*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 193 (1993)

Finiteness of Hilbert functions and bounds for castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of initial ideals, 2004

HOA, L.T. *Finiteness of Hilbert functions and bounds for castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of initial ideals*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 596 (2004)

Reduction number and a-invariant of good filtrations, 1993

HOA, L.T. *Reduction number and a-invariant of good filtrations*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 219 (1993)

Reduction numbers of equimultiple ideals, 1993

HOA, L.T. *Reduction numbers of equimultiple ideals*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 214 (1993)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Becari postdoctoral - Univ. Hanoi - Geometria algebraica [1/1/1993 - 30/11/1993]

Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and applications, I (10/5/1993)

Comitè CRM

Becari postdoctoral - Univ. Hanoi - Geometria algebraica [1/1/1993 - 30/11/1993]

Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and applications, II (17/5/1993)

Comitè CRM