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Peter H. Kropholler (Regne Unit)


Classifying spaces for proper actions of locally-finite groups, 2001

DICKS, W.; KROPHOLLER, P.H.; LEARY, I.J. & THOMAS, S. *Classifying spaces for proper actions of locally-finite groups*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 479 (2001)

Free groups and almost equivariant maps, 1992

DICKS, W. & KROPHOLLER, P. *Free groups and almost equivariant maps*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 175 (1992)

Homological finiteness for modules over group albegras, 1994

CORNICK, J. & KROPHOLLER, P.H. *Homological finiteness for modules over group albegras*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 261 (1994)

Homological finiteness for modules over strongly group-graded rings, 1994

CORNICK, J. & KROPHOLLER, P.H. *Homological finiteness for modules over strongly group-graded rings*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 265 (1994)

On groups of type (FP)?8, 1992

KROPHOLLER, P.H. *On groups of type (FP)?8*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 177 (1992)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Investigador visitant - Queen Mary and Westfield College, London - Àlgebra [1/9/1992 - 26/9/1992]

Cohomological finiteness conditions for groups, I: Groups of type (FP)?8 (22/9/1992)

Investigador visitant - Queen Mary and Westfield College, London - Àlgebra [1/9/1992 - 26/9/1992]

Cohomological finiteness conditions for groups, II: Further results (23/9/1992)

(desconegut -data aproximada) - Queen Mary and Westfield College, London - [1/1/1994 - ]

Cohomological finiteness conditions for groups (27/5/1994)

Investigador visitant - Queen Mary and Westfield College, London - Àlgebra [21/8/1996 - 17/9/1996]

Complete cohomology and closed model categories (3/9/1996)

Dins el CRM Advanced Course on Homotopy Theory: Localization and Periodicity, 3 a 14 setembre 1996. No en consta la data exacta

Investigador visitant - Queen Mary and Westfield College, London - Àlgebra [1/7/1998 - 31/7/1998]

Groups with finitely many reduced homology classes (1/7/1998)

Dins el Seminar on Cohomology of Groups, durant el Semestre de Topologia Algebraica, 14 abril a 17 juliol 1998. No en consta la data exacta

Ponent de congrés - ? - [28/6/2005 - 2/7/2005]

Generalizing the Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence (28/6/2005)

Dins el Barcelona Conference on Geometric Group Theory, 28 juny a 2 juliol 2005. No en consta la data exacta