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Vladimir Borisovich Gisin (Rússia)


Abelianization and orthogonal complements of additive categories, 1994

GISIN, V. *Abelianization and orthogonal complements of additive categories*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 262 (1994)

Fuzzy orderings of real numbers, 1993

GISIN, V. *Fuzzy orderings of real numbers*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 189 (1993)

On transitivity of strict preference relations, 1992

GISIN, V.B. *On transitivity of strict preference relations*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 184 (1992)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Investigador visitant - Moscow State Pedagogical Univ. - Àlgebra [18/9/1993 - 4/2/1994]

Radicals and torsions in abelian categories (21/1/1993)

Investigador visitant - Moscow State Pedagogical Univ. - Àlgebra [18/9/1993 - 4/2/1994]

Orthogonal complements of aditive regular categories (1/12/1993)

Investigador visitant - Moscow State Pedagogical Univ. - Àlgebra [18/9/1993 - 4/2/1994]

Abelianization and orthogonal complements of additive regular categories (17/1/1994)

(desconegut -data aproximada) - Moscow State Pedagogical Univ. - [1/1/1995 - ]

Vilenkin´s generalized subgroups of topological abelian groups (1/4/1995)

No en consta la data exacta