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Pallasena Parameswaran Narayanaswami (Índia)


(LF)-Spaces and their Baire-covering properties, 1987

NARAYANASWAMI, P.P. *(LF)-Spaces and their Baire-covering properties*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 56 (1987)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Investigador visitant - Memorial Univ. St. John's - Teoria de funcions [25/10/1986 - 25/11/1986]

(LF) -spaces and their Baire-type properties, I (3/11/1986)

Investigador visitant - Memorial Univ. St. John's - Teoria de funcions [25/10/1986 - 25/11/1986]

(LF) -spaces and their Baire-type properties, I (10/11/1986)