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Michael L. Mihalik 


Compactifying coverings of 3-manifolds, 1993

MIHALIK, M.L. *Compactifying coverings of 3-manifolds*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 204 (1993)

Remarks on the fundamental group at infinity, 1993

GEOGHEGAN, R. & MIHALIK. M. *Remarks on the fundamental group at infinity*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 233 (1993)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Investigador visitant - Vanderbilt Univ. - Àlgebra [15/11/1992 - 5/12/1992]

Proper homotopy theory of finitely presented groups (24/11/1992)

Investigador visitant - Vanderbilt Univ. - Àlgebra [15/11/1992 - 5/12/1992]

Tame combing of finitely presented groups (25/11/1992)