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Franco Brezzi (Itàlia)


Lˆ2-error estimates of the IIPG-0 method, 2011

AYUSO DE DIOS, B.; BREZZI, F.; HAVLE, O. & MARINI, L.D. `Lˆ2-error estimates of the IIPG-0 method´. *Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations*; June (on line), (2011)

Lˆ2-estimates for the DG IIPG-0 scheme, 2011

AYUSO DE DIOS, B.; BREZZI, F.; HAVLE, O. & DONATELLA MARINI, L. *Lˆ2-estimates for the DG IIPG-0 scheme*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1052 (2011)