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David Ben-Zvi 

Participacions a Congressos

Second International School on Geometry and Physics. Geometric Langlands and Gauge Theory

CRM, Bellaterra (17/3/2010- 26/3/2010)

Coordinat pels Profs. L. Álvarez-Cónsul (ICMAT-CSIC), J. I. Burgos (ICMAT-CSIC), Ó. Garcia-Prada (ICMAT-CSIC) i I. Mundet (Univ. Barcelona)

BEN-ZVI, D.; BIQUARD, O.; HAUSEL, T.; KAPUSTIN, A. & PANTEV, T. *Advanced Course on Second International School on Geometry and Physics Geometric Langlands and Gauge Theory*. Quaderns del CRM, núm. 59 (març 2010)