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Pere Menal i Brufal (Catalunya, Espanya)


On normal subgroups of E2 over non-commutative local rings, 1988

MENAL, P. & VASERSTEIN, L.N. *On normal subgroups of E?2 over non-commutative local rings*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 69 (1988)

On strongly regular rings and homomorphisms into them, 1986

BURGESS, W.D. & MENAL, P. *On strongly regular rings and homomorphisms into them*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 38 (1986)

On subgroups of GL2 over Banach Algebras and Von Neumann Regular Rings which are normalized by Elementary Matrices, 1988

MENAL, P. & VASERSTEIN, L.N. *On subgroups of GL?2 over Banach Algebras and Von Neumann Regular Rings which are normalized by Elementary Matrices*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 67 (1988)

Power cancellation for artinian modules, 1991

CAMPS, R. & MENAL, P. `Power cancellation for artinian modules´. *Communications in Algebra*, vol.19, 7, s.p. (1991)

Pure ring extensions and self FP-injective rings, 1987

MENAL, P. & VÁMOS, P. *Pure ring extensions and self FP-injective rings*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 44 (1987)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Conferenciant ocasional - Univ. Autònoma Barcelona - [1/1/1986 - ]

On rings that are linearly algebraically closed (29/4/1986)