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Armin Hemmerling 


On polynomially bounded nondeterminism over the integers with respect to the uniform size measure, 1993

HEMMERLING, A. *On polynomially bounded nondeterminism over the integers with respect to the uniform size measure*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 222 (1993)

Participacions a Congressos

Workshop on Continuous Algorithms and Complexity

CRM, Bellaterra (4/10/1993- 6/10/1993)

Organitzat conjuntament amb la Univ. Pompeu Fabra

*Theoretical Computer Science*

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Ponent de congrés - Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Univ. Greifswald - [4/10/1993 - 6/10/1993]

On polynomially bounded nondeterminism over the integers with respect to the uniform size measure (4/10/1993)

Dins el Workshop on Continous Algorithms and Complexity, 4 a 6 octubre 1993. No en consta la data exacta