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M. Bendersky
Participacions a Congressos
1994 Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology (BCAT94)
Sant Feliu de Guíxols (1/6/1994- 7/6/1994)
4a edició
BROTO, C.; CASACUBERTA, C.; MISLIN, G. (Eds.) *Algebraic Topology: New Trends in Localization and Periodicity*. Progress in Mathematics; Birkhäuser Verlag (1995)
Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)
Ponent de congrés - ? - [1/6/1994 - 7/6/1994]
The structure of the v1 periodic homotopy groups of Lie groups (1/6/1994)
Dins la 4th Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, 1 a 7 juny 1994. No en consta la data exacta