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Alberto Cavicchioli (Itàlia)


The classification of 3-manifolds with spines related to Fibonacci groups, 1991

CAVICCHIOLI, A. & SPAGGIARI, F. `The classification of 3-manifolds with spines related to Fibonacci groups´ in: *Lecture Notes in Mathematics*, 1509. Springer Verlag (1990)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Ponent de congrés - Univ. Basilicata - [6/6/1990 - 12/6/1990]

The classification of 3-manifolds with spines related to Fibonacci groups (6/6/1990)

Dins la 3rd Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 6 a 12 juny 1990. No en consta la data exacta