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Linda J. Cummings 


Extensional flow of nematic liquid crystal under electric field gradient, 2011

CUMMINGS, L.J.; LOW, J. & MYERS, T.G.`Extensional flow of nematic liquid crystal under electric field gradient´. Submitted to *Euro. J. Appl. Math.* (2011)

Extensional flow of nematic liquid crystal under electric field gradient, 2011

CUMMINGS, L.J.; LOW, J. & MYERS, T.G. *Extensional flow of nematic liquid crystal under electric field gradient*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 1016 (2011)

Participacions a Congressos

Techniques and Applications of Set Theory

CRM, Bellaterra (10/6/1996- 14/6/1996)

Coordinat pels Profs. J. Bagaria i A. Mathias

CRM. *Techniques and Applications of Set Theory*. Quaderns del CRM, núm. 8 (1996)

Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)

Ponent de congrés - Massachusetts Inst. Technology - [10/6/1996 - 14/6/1996]

Generic embeddings: saturated ideals, reflecting stationary sets, the tree property (10/6/1996)

Dins el curs sobre Techniques and Applications of Set Theory, 10 a 14 juny 1996. No en consta la data exacta