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James W. Cannon (Estats Units)
On hyperbolic once-punctured-torus bundles, 2001
CANNON, J.W. & DICKS, W. *On hyperbolic once-punctured-torus bundles*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 462 (2001)
On hyperbolic once-punctured-torus bundles II. Fractal tessellations of the plane, 2005
DICKS, W. & CANNON, J.W. *On hyperbolic once-punctured-torus bundles II. Fractal tessellations of the plane*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 633 (2005)
One dimensional sets and planar sets are aspherical, 1999
CANNON, J.W.; CONNER, G.R. & ZASTROW, A. *One dimensional sets and planar sets are aspherical*. Publicacions del CRM, núm. 426 (1999)
Altres activitats (conferències, seminaris)
Investigador visitant - Brigham Young Univ. - Àlgebra [15/11/1997 - 15/12/1997]
3-manifolds via twisted face pairings (1/12/1997)
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