Mecanismes Moleculars de Tumorigènesi

Investigador/s Principal/s :

Pilar Navarro


Programa de Recerca en Càncer





Membres: 6

Línia de recerca:

We are interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying human pathologies, mainly cancer and neurodegeneration. We have previously shown that the serine protease tPA (tissue plasminogen activator) is overexpressed and plays a key role in the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer (Aguilar et al. Am. J. Pathol. 2005; Ortiz-Zapater et al. Am. J. Pathol., 2007) and Alzheimer’s disease (Medina et al. EMBO J., 2005, 2 patents). Currently, our main objective related to neuronal field is focussed in elucidating the role of CPEB-mediated translational control of gene expression in Alzheimer's disease and neurodegeneration.


  Transtorns del Sistema Nerviós Central   Mort neuronal   Cèl·lules glials   Cognició 

Paraules clau:

Translational control, plasmingen system, tPA, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, CPEB, Galectin-1


1) Pineda D, Ampurdanés C, Manel G. Medina G M, Serratosa J, Tusell J, Saura J, Planas A and Navarro P. (2012). Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) induces microglial inflammation via a non-catalytic molecular mechanism involving activation of MAPKs and AKT signalling pathways and AnnexinA2 and Galectin-1 receptors Glia, 60(4):526-40. IF=5.186 

2) Ortiz-Zapater E, Pineda D, Martínez-Bosch N, Iglesias M, Alameda F, Moreno M, Eliscovich C, Eyras E, Real FX, Méndez R and Navarro P (2011). Key contribution of CPEB4-mediated translational control to cancer progression, Nat. Med., 18(1):83-90. IF=25.43 

3) Medina MG, Ledesma, MD, Dominguez JE, Medina M, Zagra D, Alameda F, Dotti CG and Navarro P. (2005) Tissue plasminogen activator mediates amyloid induced neurotoxicity via sustained Erk1/2 activation. The EMBO J., 24:1706-1716. IF= 10.053


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Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Carrer del Carme 47. 08001 Barcelona.
Telèfon +34 933 248 584. Fax +34 932 701 180.

- 2014 -

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