Neuroprotection, Basal ganglia, Huntington's disease, Neurotrophic factors, Neurodegenerative disorders, Treatment, Neuronal dysfunction, Neuronal death, Synaptic plasticity
Suppressing aberrant GluN3A expression rescues synaptic and behavioral impairments in Huntington's disease models.
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Prostaglandin E2 EP1 Receptor Antagonist Improves Motor Deficits and Rescues Memory Decline in R6/1 Mouse Model of Huntington's Disease.
Anglada-Huguet M, Xifró X, Giralt A, Zamora-Moratalla A, Martín ED, Alberch J.
Mol Neurobiol. 2013 Nov 7
Conditional BDNF release under pathological conditions improves Huntington's disease pathology by delaying neuronal dysfunction.
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