Molecular Neurobiology

principal investigator :

Enric I. Canela - Vicent Casadó -


Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular


Facultat de Biologia


Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Members: 15

Research lines:

The priority research area of our group is Molecular Neurobiology. We study the physiological function of membrane receptors in the central nervous system, mainly G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) of neural cells, the identification of these new heteromeric receptors as therapeutic targets for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, addiction to drugs and foods, evaluation of new molecules that interact with these receptors …


 Central Nervous System Disorders   Signalling   Neuronal death 


GPCR, dimeric receptors, adenosine receptors, dopamine receptors, histamine receptors, cannabinoid receptors, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, pharmacological models


Ferré S, Casadó V, Devi LA, Filizola M, Jockers R, Lohse MJ, Milligan G, Pin JP, Guitart X (2014) G protein–coupled receptor oligomerization revisited: functional and pharmacological perspectives. Pharmacological Reviews 66:1–22. 

González S, Moreno-Delgado D, Moreno E, Pérez-Capote K, Franco R, Mallol J, Cortés A, Casadó V, Lluís C, Ortiz J, Ferré* S, Canela EI*, McCormick PJ* (2012) Circadian-related heteromerization of adrenergic and dopamine D4 receptors modulates melatonin synthesis and release in the pineal gland. PLoS Biology 10(6): e1001347. 

Navarro G, Moreno E, Aymerich M, Marcellino D, McCormick PJ, Mallol J, Cortés A, Casadó V, Canela EI, Ortiz J, Fuxe K, Lluís C, Ferré S, Franco R. (2010) Direct involvement of sigma-1 receptors in the dopamine D1 receptor-mediated effects of cocaine. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(43): 18676-81.


Group Web site



Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Carrer del Carme 47. 08001 Barcelona.
Telèfon +34 933 248 584. Fax +34 932 701 180.

- 2014 -

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