learning and memory, pesticides, neurodegeneration, APOE , neurotoxic , anxiety , social behavior
Reverte I, Klein AB, Domingo JL, Colomina MT.
2013. Long term effects of murine postnatal exposure to decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) on learning and memory are dependent upon APOE polymorphism and age. Neurotoxicol Teratol.40:17-27.
Heredia L, Torrente M, Domingo JL, Colomina MT.2012. Individual housing and handling procedures modify anxiety levels of Tg2576 mice assessed in the zero maze test. Physiol Behav.107(2):187-91.
Reverte I, Klein AB, Ratner C, Domingo JL, Colomina MT. 2012. Behavioral phenotype and BDNF differences related to apoE isoforms and sex in young transgenic mice.
Exp Neurol. 237(1):116-25.