Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology

principal investigator :

Gemma Huguet




Facultat de Cičncies


Universitat de Girona (UdG)

Members: 3

Research lines:

The group specializes in the study of molecular and cellular changes that occur in the brain associated with stimulation or neuroprotective treatments. The projects are being carried out studying the effects of intracranial stimulation applied to improve memory and learning, and the treatment of Parkinson's depression. A new interest of our group is the study of the effects at the cellular and molecular level of therapies that protect blood-brain barrier in ischemic situations. We are interested to provide knowledge for the study of therapeutic tools for neurological diseases.


 Signalling   Neuronal death   Cognition 


Deep brain stimulation, cell signaling, memory and learning, neuroprotection, gene expression, stroke, blood brain barrier


Kádár E, Huguet G, Aldavert-Vera L, Morgado-Bernal I, Segura-Torres P. Intracranial self stimulation upregulates the expression of synaptic plasticity related genes and Arc protein expression in rat hippocampus. Genes Brain Behav 2013 Nov;12(8):771-9. 

Kádár E, Lim LW, Carreras G, Genís D, Temel Y, Huguet G. High-frequency stimulation of the ventrolateral thalamus regulates gene expression in hippocampus, motor cortex and caudate-putamen. Brain Res. 2011 May 19;1391:1-13. 

Huguet G, Aldavert-Vera L, Kádár E, Peńa de Ortiz S, Morgado-Bernal I, Segura-Torres P. Intracranial self-stimulation to the lateral hypothalamus, a memory improving treatment, results in hippocampal changes in gene expression. Neuroscience. 2009 Aug 18;162(2):359-74.

Group Web site



Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Carrer del Carme 47. 08001 Barcelona.
Telèfon +34 933 248 584. Fax +34 932 701 180. scb@iec.cat

- 2014 -

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