Neurosteroids and Behavior

principal investigator :

Marc Pallarès - Sònia Darbra


Departament de Psicobiologia i Metodologia de les Ciències de la Salut/Unitat de Psicobiologia


Institut de Neurociències


UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Members: 2

Research lines:

Role of neurosteroids in the nervous system development and in behavior


 Central Nervous System Disorders   Development   Cognition 


neurosteroids, behaviour, development, allopregnanolone, animal models, psychophatology, drug abuse


Darbra S, Mòdol L, Vallée M, Pallarès M (2013) Neonatal neurosteroid levels are determinant in shaping adult prepulse inhibition response to hippocampal allopregnanolone in rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(8):1397-1406 

Llidó A, Mòdol L, Darbra S, Pallarès M (2013) Interaction between neonatal allopregnanolone administration and early maternal separation: effects on adolescent and adult behaviour in male rats. Hormones and Behavior 63(4):577-585 

Darbra S, Mòdol L, Llidó A, Casas K, Vallée M, Pallarès M (2013) Neonatal allopregnanolone levels alteration: effects on behavior and role of the hippocampus. Progress in Neurobiology doi:pii:S0301-0082(13)00069-5.10.1016/j.pneurobio.2013.07.007

Group Web site



Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Carrer del Carme 47. 08001 Barcelona.
Telèfon +34 933 248 584. Fax +34 932 701 180.

- 2014 -

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