
Essentials of Economics

Krugman, Paul; Wells, Robin

4th ed.

New York: Worth Publishers, Macmillan Learning, 2017

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  

 8 termes

shopping app  n.

p. 230

The explosive growth of shopping apps that allow you to immediately compare prices and make a purchase (TheFind), give you access to thou-sands of coupons (Coupons.com), and alert you to discount sales at nearby stores (SaleSorter), has struck terror in the corporate offices of traditional retailers.

single-payer system  n.

p. 331

Canada has a single-payer system: a health care system in which the government acts as the principal payer of medical bills funded through taxes.

SMART Grid technology  n.

p. 190

With SMART Grid technology, consumers save money by basing their demand for electricity on marginal cost rather than average cost.

stimulus bill  n.

p. 475

Some economic analysts warned that the stimulus bill, as the Recovery Act was commonly called, would drive up interest rates and Marease the burden of national debt.

strategic behavior  n.

p. 272

A firm engages in strategic behavior when it attempts to influence the future behavior of other firms.

supply chain manager  n.

p. 609

So the company reinvented itself: rather than being a simple broker, it became a "supply chain manager." Not only would it allocate production of a good to a manufacturer, it would also break production down, allocate production of the inputs, and then allocate final assembly of the good among its 12,000+ suppliers around the globe.

surge pricing  n.

p. 172

When a lot of people are looking for a carxguiollargxsuch as during a snowstorm or on New Year’s EvexguiollargxUber uses what it calls surge pricing, setting the rate higher until everyone who wants a car at the going price can get one.

sustainable long-run economic growth  n.

p. 429

Sustainable long-run economic growth is long-run growth that can continue in the face of the limited supply of natural resources and the impact of growth on the environment.