Basic components

1. Introduction
2. Manual components
         a) Configuration
         b) Place
                  b.1) Neutral space
                  b.2) Around the head
                  b.3) In contact with the body
         c) Movement
         d) Orientation
3. Non-manual components
         a) Facial expression
         b) Torso movement
         c) Head position and/or movement
         d) Mouth gesture
                   d.1) Imitative
                   d.2) Compulsory component
                   d.3) Optional component

         e) Mouthing


The way in which the movement is carried out must also be considered. It may be slow or fast, big or small, relaxed or tense.

For example, the sign "suddenly" has a fast and tense movement, whereas the sign "to stroll" bears slow and relaxed movement.