

On behalf of the Catalan Chemical Society, we are pleased to invite you to Barcelona in September 2016 on the occasion of the 13th ECRICE conference.

The delegates of the Division of Education of EuCheMS of this society (SCQ) will lead this event in collaboration with the other delegates of EuCheMS Division of Education.

ECRICE is the forum for researchers and teachers to exchange research experiences in chemistry education and about teaching and learning chemistry at all levels. The conference has always attracted a significant number of participants from all over the world to discuss and to exchange idees on chemistry education. We hope that the current conference in Barcelona will be able to follow in the footsteps of the last highly interesting conferences in Jyväskylä (2014), Rome (2012), Cracow (2010).

The title of the 13th ECRICE in Barcelona is “Inspiring Science Education through Research” The main ideas behind the topic 2016 are:

  • Research achievements and conclusions should inspire innovative teaching methods to teach new generations with new challenges.
  • There is often a gap between chemistry education and research in chemistry e We need to improve and inspire chemistry education by taking into account research data in this field.
  • The results of research in teaching and education should be adapted to the needs of teachers, and should be transferred and disseminated effectively to the teaching community.

We look forward to seeing all our chemistry education friends in Barcelona.

With best regards,

Carles Bo
President of the Catalan Chemical Society and Cochair of the Conference

Fina Guitart
Delegate of the Catalan Chemical Society at the Division of Chemical Education of the EuCheMS and Cochair of the Conference