Basic components

1. Introduction
2. Manual components
         a) Configuration
         b) Place
                  b.1) Neutral space
                  b.2) Around the head
                  b.3) In contact with the body
         c) Movement
         d) Orientation
3. Non-manual components
         a) Facial expression
         b) Torso movement
         c) Head position and/or movement
         d) Mouth gesture
                   d.1) Imitative
                   d.2) Compulsory component
                   d.3) Optional component

         e) Mouthing


For the first signer the active hand is the right and the left hand is passive; for the second signer the active hand is the left and the right remains passive.

The active hand is also referred to as the dominant hand, whereas the passive hand is known as non-dominant.