Basic components

1. Introduction
2. Manual components
         a) Configuration
         b) Place
                  b.1) Neutral space
                  b.2) Around the head
                  b.3) In contact with the body
         c) Movement
         d) Orientation
3. Non-manual components
         a) Facial expression
         b) Torso movement
         c) Head position and/or movement
         d) Mouth gesture
                   d.1) Imitative
                   d.2) Compulsory component
                   d.3) Optional component

         e) Mouthing


But not all signs are articulated with one single hand, many are executed using both. See the two examples:


In the first sign it is both hands that move. In the second only the active hand moves while the passive hand remains static.

Signs using one hand are called one-handed and signs using both hands are called two-handed.