

Michele Swanson, Gemma Reguera, Moselio Schaechter, ... [et. al.]

2nd ed.

Washington, DC : ASM Press, cop. 2016

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  

 11 termes

incompatible metabolite  n.

p. 524

In other cases, a unique culture environment is required to establish growth-sustaining concentrations of seemingly incompatible metabolites.

indifferent microbe  n.

p. 156

Then there are the organisms that cannot respire oxygen but can tolerate it, thanks to their detoxification enzymes. Among these "indifferent" microbes are opportunistic pathogens such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and S. pyogenes, which cause pneumonia and strep throat, respectively.

inert component  n.

p. 117

How is life made from inert components?

inflammasome  n.

p. 639

Another cohort of NLRs assemble inflammasomes, protein complexes that activate caspase-1.

information flow  n.

p. 270

Each component has evolved to play a role in inheritance and information flow: DNA stores the information so it can be inherited by the daughter cells and transcribed into ribosomal and transfer RNAs for protein synthesis, regulatory RNAs for coordination, and mRNA templates to make proteins, the major catalysts of the cell.

initiator protein  n.

p. 211

Replication is initiated when the initiator protein, DnaA, recognizes and binds oriC and melts it locally to separate the two strands and recruit the replisome proteins at each replication fork.

internalin A  n.

p. 673

At the intestinal boundary, internalin A initiates invasion by the bacterium; internalin B induces its transport across the placental barrier.

internalin B  n.

p. 673

At the intestinal boundary, internalin A initiates invasion by the bacterium; internalin B induces its transport across the placental barrier.

interspecies electron transfer  n.

p. 564

More recently, a model has been proposed in which the archaeal cells directly transfer electrons to the bacteria to couple their metabolisms. This process, called interspecies electron transfer, will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.

interspecies metabolite transfer  n.

p. 601

Interspecies Metabolite Transfer. Syntrophic interactions allow microbes to carry out the problematic task of degrading organic matter (polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids) under anaerobic conditions to return the carbon back to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) (Fig. 21.13).

IS element  n.

p. 277

The simplest and shortest (700-2,000 bp) of all transposable elements is the insertion sequence or IS element, which contains the gene encoding the transposase flanked by inverted repeats.